Dr Beatrice Chinyem Oganah-Ikujenyo is a seasoned Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Nutritionist and Home Economist with over three decades in the practice of her profession with research interest in Family, Community Nutrition and Nutrition advocacy.
Her academic qualifications include the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) and Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics Education, Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and doctorate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Her research work covers food consumption surveys, recipe standardization, nutritional evaluation of underexploited foods and gender studies. An advocate of good nutrition and healthy feeding habits, she has been involved is symposia and webinar as a resource person.
She has several publications in both local and international journals. Her published works span across the diverse field of Home Economics, Education and Nutrition. She has attended several conferences, workshops and training programmes both locally and internationally.
She is a member of a number of professional association including the Home Economics professionals Association (HEPAN), where she is a fellow and the national Vice President. Others are the Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), Nutrition Society of Nigeria (NSN), International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE), Organization of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) and Association for Family and Society Scientist (AFASS). She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Corporate Governance (INSLEC).
Dr Beatrice Oganah-Ikujenyo has played a pivotal role in the professional organizations within the Home Economics Community which has earned her the conferment of a Fellow of the Home Economics Professional Association of Nigeria (HEPAN) in the year 2021. She has over the decades been involved in promoting the study of Home Economics among students from both the primary and secondary schools by organizing Career Talks and hosting programmes on Home Economics on Campus.
She is also an advocate of gender equality and equity. This prompted her to contest for both the positions of Public relations Officer and Chairperson of the erstwhile National Association of Women in Colleges of Education (WICE), AOCOED respectively. Her leadership contributions were instrumental in shaping WICE, AOCOED Chapter into a formidable voice for female staffers when she was the Chairperson before the transmutation of the College to a University of Education in February, 2022. She also led the Committee that midwifed the Association of Women in LASUED in December, 2023.
She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Home Economics and the Acting Dean of the College of Vocational and Entrepreneurship Education. A Certified Teacher by the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), she has a proficiency Certificate in both the Basic and Advance course in Neuroscience and Human Cognition from the institute of Brain Behaviour Research Foundation (IBBRF), India. She is also a Certified Trainer on Enterprise Creation and Leadership (ECL)
Apart from teaching and research, Dr Oganah-Ikujenyo has also ventured into small scale business of food production via poultry, fish farming and provision of catering services for events which she started as a hobby but later developed into a major side income for the family.
In summary, Dr Beatrice Oganah-Ikujenyo stands as an astute Teacher trainer, visionary leader, accomplished researcher, and dedicated advocate for the advancement of Nutrition, Home Economics Education and family welfare. Her passion for Nutrition and Home Economics education projects her as a veritable asset in tackling the hydra headed challenges facing Nutrition and Home Economics education in Nigeria and beyond.
Membership No. PM/21/0002